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Julie Crockett

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

350C EB
Provo, UT 84602



Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Experimental and theoretical fluids techniques

Office/Class Hours:
Winter 2024

Mon: 11-12 ME EN 312
     12-2 Individual research meetings
     2-3 Office Hours
     4-5 Seminar

Tue: 11-12 Devotional
    12-2 Office Hours

Wed: 11-12 ME EN 312
     12:30-1:30 FTTL research group meeting
     2-3 Office Hours (Snack n Study)
     4-5:30 Faculty Meeting

Fri: 11-12 ME EN 312
   12-12:30 TA meeting
   1:30-2 Individual research meetings
   2-3 Office Hours

Graduate Students

Ph.D., Engineering Sciences (Mechanical Engineering)

University of California, San Diego (2007)

M.S., Engineering Sciences (Mechanical Engineering)

University of California, San Diego (2004)

B.S., Mechanical Engineering

University of Denver (2002)

Current Students:

Jonathan Burnett - PhD

Jacob Butterfield - MS

Kyle Hakes - MS

Past Students:

Preston Emerson - MS 2019 - Thermal atomization due to boiling during droplet impingement

Allison Lee - PhD 2019 - An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Internal Wave Kinetic Energy Density in Variable Stratifications

Kimberley Stevens - PhD - Two-phase Interactions on Superhydrophobic Surfaces

Matthew Searle - PhD 2018 - Thermal transport at superhydrophobic surfaces for impinging liquid jets, pool boiling, and natural convection

David Miller - MS 2017 - A comparison between self-cleaning properties via rolling droplets and condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces

Adam Cowley - PhD 2017 - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Effects of Sub-critical Heating on Superhydrophobic Surfaces and Microchannels

Cristian Clavijo - PhD 2016 - Droplet impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces

Jonathan Stoddard - MS 2015 - Jet and Droplet impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces

Rich Perkins - MS 2014 - PIV Measurements of turbulent flow in a rectangular channel over superhydrophobic surfaces with riblets

Joseph Prince - PhD 2013 - The influence of superhydrophobicity on laminar jet impingement and turbulent flow in a channel with walls exhibiting riblets

Robb Hays - MS 2013 - Thermal transport to sessile water droplets on heated superhydrophobic surfaces of varying cavity fraction

Michael Johnson - MS 2012 - Liquid jet impingement experiments on micro rib and cavity patterned superhydrophobic surfaces in both Cassie and Wenzel states

Lauren Eberly - MS 2012 -Internal wave generation over rough, sloped topography: An experimental study

Sean Smith - MS 2012 -Laboratory experiments on colliding nonresonant internal wave beams

Benjamin Hillyard - MS 2012 - Investigation of internal wave spectra due to observed interactions

Leonardo Latorre - MS 2012 - Estimated instability and breaking of internal waves due to time-dependent shear

Tyler Blackhurst - MS 2012 - Numerical investigation of internal wave-vortex dipole interactions

Brian Casaday - MS 2010 - Numerical simulations of atmospheric internal waves with time-dependent critical levels and turning points.

Journal Publications:

Searle, M, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2020. Thermal transport due to buoyant flow past a vertical, heated superhydrophobic surface with uniform stream-wise slip. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 148, 119031.

Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2019. Simulation of drop-size distribution during dropwise and jumping drop condensation on a vertical surface: Implications for heat transfer modeling. Langmuir, 35, 12858-12875. 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02232

Searle, M, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2019. Thermal transport due to liquid jet impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces with isotropic slip: Isoflux wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 140, 518-532. 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.05.113

Guo, C, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Zhao, D. 2019. Heat transfer to bouncing droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 137 857-867.

Lee, A, Crockett, J. 2019. Turning depths: Evanescent to propagating wave kinetic energy density. Physical Review Fluids, 4 (3), 034803.

Sen, U, Chatterjee, S, Crockett, J, Ganguly, R, Yu, L, Megaridis, C. 2019. Orthogonal liquid-jet impingement on wettability-patterned impermeable substrates. Physical Review Fluids, 4, 014002. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.014002.

Cowley, A., Maynes, D, Crockett, J, and Iverson, B D, 2019, Influence of micro-structured superhydrophobic surfaces on nucleation and natural convection in a heated pool. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 129, 1095-1109. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.10.030

Searle, M, Emerson, P, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2018. Influence of microstructure geometry on pool boiling at superhydrophobic surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127B, 772-783. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.07.044

Clavijo, CE, Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2018. Thermally induced atomization during droplet impingement on superheated hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 1357-1366.

Cowley, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Iverson, B. 2018. Bubble nucleation in superhydrophobic microchannels due to subcritical heating. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121, 196-206. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.03.041

Searle, M, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2017. Thermal transport due to liquid jet impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces with isotropic slip. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 110, 680-691.

Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2017. Two-phase flow pressure drop in superhydrophobic channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 110, 515-522.

Clavijo, CE, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2017. Hydrodynamics of droplet impingement on hot surfaces of varying wettability. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108, 1714-1726.

Clavijo, CE, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2016. Wenzel to Cassie transition during droplet impingement on a superhydrophobic surface. Physical Review Fluids, 1, 073902.

A. Cowley, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett 2016. "Inertial effects on thermal transport in superhydrophobic microchannels," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 101, 121-132.
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R. Hays, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett 2016. "Thermal transport to droplets on heated superhydrophobic substrates," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 98, 70-80.
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Clavijo, CE, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2015. Effects of isotropic and anisotropic slip on droplet impingement on a superhydrophobic surface. Physics of Fluids, 27, 122104.

Prince, JF, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2015. On jet impingement and thin film breakup on a horizontal superhydrophobic surface. Physics of Fluids, 27, 112108.

A. Cowley, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett 2014. "Effective Temperature Jump Length and Influence of Axial Conduction for Thermal Transport through Channels with Superhydrophobic Walls," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 79, 573-583.

M.J. Johnson, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett 2014. "Experimental Characterization of Hydraulic Jump Caused by Jet Impingement on Micro-patterned Surfaces Exhibiting Ribs and Cavities," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 58, 216-233.

J. F. Prince, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett, 2014, "Jet Impingement and the Hydraulic Jump on Horizontal Surfaces with Anisotropic Slip," Physics of Fluids, 26, 042104.

S. Smith and J. Crockett, 2014, "Experiments on Nonlinear Harmonic Wave Generation from Colliding Internal Wave Beams," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 54, 93-101.

D. Maynes and J. Crockett, 2014, "Apparent Temperature Jump and Thermal Transport in Channels with Streamwise Rib and Cavity Featured Superhydrophobic Walls at Constant Heat Flux," Journal of heat Transfer, 136, 011701.

D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, J. Crockett, and V. Solovjov, 2013, "Analysis of Laminar Slip-Flow Thermal Transport in Microchannels with Transverse Rib and Cavity Structured Superhydrophobic Walls at Constant Heat Flux," Journal of Heat Transfer, 135, 021701.

J. F. Prince, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett, 2012, "Analysis of Laminar Jet Impingement and Hydraulic Jump on a Horizontal Surface with Slip," Physics of Fluids, 24 (10), doi:10.1063/1.4757659. (Go to the Publication)

B. Casaday and J. Crockett, "Investigation of High-Frequency Internal Wave Interactions with an Enveloped Inertia Wave," International Journal of Geophysics, vol. 2012, Article ID 863792, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/863792.

Vanderhoff, J. C. and T. D. Blackhurst (2012), "Numerical Investigation of Co- and Counter-Propagating Internal Wave-Vortex Interactions." International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids, 8 (1), 69-90.

Vanderhoff, J. C., J. W. Rottman, and D. Broutman (2010), "The trapping and de-trapping of short internal waves by an inertia wave." Physics of Fluids, 22 (12), doi:10.1063/1.3527283. (Go to the Publication)

Vanderhoff, J. C., K. K. Nomura, J. W. Rottman, and C. Macaskill (2008), "Doppler spreading of internal gravity waves by an inertia-wave packet," Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C05018, doi:10.1029/2007JC004390.(Go to the Publication)

Conference Publications:

Searle, M, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Iverson, B. 2017. Influence of microstructure geometry on pool boiling at superhydrophobic surfaces. Proceedings of the Second Thermal Fluids Engineering Conference, TFEC-IWHT2017-17366, Las Vegas, NV, Apr 2-5.

Cowley, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Iverson, B. 2017. Sub-boiling nucleation in superhydrophobic microchannels. Proceedings of the Second Thermal Fluids Engineering Conference, TFEC-IWHT2017-17481, Las Vegas, NV, Apr 2-5.

Miller, D, Crockett, J, Lane, F, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2017. Self-cleaning properties via condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces. Proceedings of the Second Thermal Fluids Engineering Conference, TFEC-IWHT2017-17708, Las Vegas, NV, Apr 2-5.

Perkins, R, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2017. Drag reduction in turbulent channel flow with two-tiered superhydrophobic walls. Proceedings of the Second Thermal Fluids Engineering Conference, TFEC-IWHT2017-18117, Las Vegas, NV, Apr 2-5.

Lee, A, Crockett, J. 2016. An experimental investigation of evanescent wave propagation through a turning depth. VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, 1(1), San Diego, USA, Aug 2-Sept 1.

Prince, J, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2014. Pressure drop measurements in turbulent channel flow over superhydrophobic surfaces with riblets. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Meeting Summer Meeting, FEDSM2014-21690, Chicago, IL, Aug 3-7.

Clavijo, C, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2014. Analytical model of post-impact droplet spreading on a micro-patterned superhydrophobic surface with surface slip. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Meeting Summer Meeting, FEDSM2014-21648, Chicago, IL, Aug 3-7.

Hays, R, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Webb, BW. 2013. Thermal transport to sessile droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces with rib and cavity features. Proceedings of the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, IMECE2013-63780, San Diego, CA, Nov 15-21.

Cowley, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Webb, BW. 2013. Effective temperature jump length and influence of axial conduction for thermal transport through channels with superhydrophobic walls. Proceedings of the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, IMECE2013-63858, San Diego, CA, Nov 15-21.

D. Maynes, J. Vanderhoff, and G. Rosengarten (2012), "Fully-Developed Thermal Transport in Microchannels with Streamwise Grooved Superhydrophobic Walls at Constant Heat Flux." Proceedings of the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2012-89441, at Houston TX, November 2012.

M. Johnson, D. Maynes, and J.C. Vanderhoff (2012), "Hydraulic Jump due to Jet Impingement on Micro-Patterned Surfaces Exhibiting Ribs and Cavities." Proceedings of the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2012-89104, at Houston TX, November 2012.

D. Maynes, N. Tulett, R. Nielson, J. Vanderhoff, and B. W. Webb, 2011, "Influence of Superhydrophobic Walls on Thermal Transport to Liquid Droplets," Proceedings the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2011-63673, at Denver CO, November 2011.

Vanderhoff, J. C., B. Hillyard, and L. Latorre, High frequency wavefield response to an observed inertia wavefield. 7th International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Rome, Italy. August 2011.

Vanderhoff, J., Gravity wave propagation through time-dependent shear. 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, Utah. August, 2009.

Blackhurst, T. D. and Vanderhoff, J. C., Numerical investigation of internal wave-vortex interactions. 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, Utah. August, 2009.

Casaday, B. P. and Vanderhoff, J. C., Simulations of internal gravity waves approaching a critical level. 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, Utah. August, 2009.

Vanderhoff, J. Parameterization of internal wave breaking due to near-inertial shear. 17th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Stowe, VT. June, 2009.

Vanderhoff, J. Propagation of topographically generated internal waves in the atmosphere. 13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Whistler, B.C., Canada. August, 2008.

Conference Presentations:

Emerson, P, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2019. Thermal atomization during droplet impingement on superhydrophobic substrates. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 23-26.

Hakes, K, Lee, A, Wesolek, A, Crockett, J. 2019. Comparison of internal wave kinetic energy estimates in synthetic schlieren and particle image velocimetry. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 23-26.

Butterfield, D, Iverson, B, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2019. Liquid jet impingement cooling on superheated superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 23-26.

Fieldsted, A, (Crockett, J). 2019. Heat transfer during droplet impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces with varying microstructure. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT, Feb 22.

Hakes, K, (Crockett, J). 2019. A comparison of two experimental methods for estimating internal wave kinetic energy. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT, Feb 22.

Wesolek, A, (Crockett, J). 2019. Particle imaging velocimetry vs synthetic schlieren for internal wave kinetic energy analysis. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT, Feb 22. (poster)

Butterfield, D, Crockett, J. 2018. Axisymmetric water jet impingement on superheated superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20.

Chatterjee, S, Sen, U, Crockett, J, Ganguly, R, Megaridis, C. 2018. Jet impingement on wettability-patterned surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20.

Emerson, P, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2018. Thermal atomization during droplet impingement on superhydrophobic substrates. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20.

Guo, C, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Zhao, D. 2018. Heat transfer to bouncing droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20.

Lee, A, Hakes, K, Liu, Y, Crockett, J, Allshouse, M. 2018. Effect of stratification profile on internal wave energy generated by flow over realistic topographies. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20. (undergraduate co-author)

Searle, M, Potts, D, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2018. Empirical exploration of thermal transport due to jet impingement at superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20.

Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2018. Drop size distribution during condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20.

Hakes, K, Wesolek, A, Erickson, H, Lee, A, Crockett, J. 2018. Internal wave kinetic energy: Particle imaging velocimetry vs synthetic Schlieren. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20. (Poster, undergraduate authors)

Hubbard, C, Seamons, J, Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2018. Jumping to sticking transition for condensing droplets. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18-20. (Gallery of Fluid Motion video, undergraduate authors)

Butterfield, D, (Iverson, Maynes, Crockett). 2018. Impact of micro- and nano-structured surfaces on condensation heat transfer effectiveness. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Cedar City, UT, Feb 9.

Hakes, K, Erickson, H, Oliphant, A, (Crockett, J). 2018. Axisymmetric turbulent wake development. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Cedar City, UT, Feb 9. (poster)

Potts, D, (Maynes, Crockett). 2018. Jet impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces: Effect of post microstructure on heat transfer. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Cedar City, UT, Feb 9.

Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2017. An optical-based aggregate approach to measuring condensation heat transfer. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 19-21.

Emerson, P, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2017. Atomization of impinging droplets on superheated superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 19-21.

Searle, M, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2017. Thermal transport due to liquid jet impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces with isotropic slip: isoflux wall. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 19-21.

Lee, A, Crockett, J. 2017. An experimental and theoretical investigation of internal wave generation in the presence of a turning depth. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 19-21.

Burnett, J, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2017. Modeling thermal transport to droplets impinging on horizontal superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 19-21.

Cowley, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Iverson, B. 2016. The effect of channel height on bubble nucleation in superhydrophobic microchannels due to subcritical heating. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 19-21.

Searle, M, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2016. Thermal transport due to buoyant flow past a vertical, heated superhydrophobic surface with uniform stream-wise slip. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Nov 20-22.

Miller, D, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2016. Self-cleaning properties on superhydrophobic surface via condensation. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Nov 20-22.

Cowley, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Iverson, B. 2016. Bubble nucleation in superhydrophobic microchannels due to subcritical heating. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Nov 20-22.

Lee, A, Crockett, J. 2016. An experimental investigation of energy transmission from an evanescent to a propagating region. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Nov 20-22.

Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2016. Two-phase flow hydrodynamics in superhydrophobic channels. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Nov 20-22.

Cowley, A, Searle, M, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iveson, B. 2016. “Superbubblephilic” surfaces: Sub-critical heating-induced nucleation on superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Nov 20-22. (Gallery of Fluid Motion video)

Emerson, P, Searle, M, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2016. Transition boiling on superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Nov 20-22. (Gallery of Fluid Motion poster)

Clavijo, C, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2015. Wenzel to Cassie transition for droplet impingement. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 22-24.

Crockett, J, Clavijo, C, Maynes, D. 2015. Droplet impingement boiling on heated superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 22-24.

Searle, M, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2015. Pool boiling thermal transport through micro-patterned metal superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 22-24.

Cowley, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2015. Inertial effects on heat transfer in superhydrophobic microchannels. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 22-24.

Lee, A, Crockett, J. 2015. An experimental investigation of evanescent wave propagation through a turning depth. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 22-24.

Stevens, K, Crockett, J, Maynes, D, Iverson, B. 2015. Two-phase flow hydrodynamics in superhydrophobic channels. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 22-24.

Clavijo, C, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2015. Suppressing the storm: Raindrops on superheated superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 22-24. (Gallery of Fluid Motion poster)

Clavijo, C, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2015. Droplet impact on heated superhydrophobic surfaces. Micro & Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer Gordon Research Conference, Galveston, TX, Jan 11-16. (poster)

Clavijo, C, Searle, M, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Truscott, T. 2014. Sizzling droplets: heated superhydrophobic surface impingement. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25. (Gallery of Fluid Motion poster)

Stoddard, J, Lee, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J, Truscott, T. 2014. Breaking droplets: superhydrophobic surface breakup. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25. (video)

Clavijo, C, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2014. Thermocapillary dewetting of superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25.

Stoddard, J, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2014. Droplet train impingement on superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25.

Cowley, A, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2014. Effect of axial fluid conduction on thermal transport in superhydrophobic microchannels. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25.

Lee, A, Crockett, J. 2014. Internal wave generation in evanescent regions. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25.

Crockett, J, Perkins, R, Maynes, D. 2014. Turbulent flow drag reduction on hybrid riblet superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25.

Searle, M, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2014. Liquid jet impingement thermal transport on a superhydrophobic surface. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 23-25.

Crockett, J, Smith, S. 2014. Experiments on nonlinear harmonic wave generation from colliding internal wave beams. Nonlinear Effects in Internal Waves, Ithaca, NY, Jun 9-12.

Hays, R, Crockett, J, Maynes, D. 2013. Sessile droplet evaporation on superheated superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 24-26. (video)

Clavijo, C, Maynes, D, Crockett, J. 2013. Liquid droplet impact dynamics on micro-patterned superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 24-26. (video)

Maynes, D, Hays, R, Crockett, J. 2013. Convection to sessile droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 24-26.

Crockett, J, Prince, J, Maynes, D. 2013. Jet impingement and thin film breakup on a superhydrophobic surface. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 24-26.

Perkins, R, Crockett, J. 2013. PIV measurements of turbulent channel flow over superhydrophobic surfaces with superimposed riblets. ASME-IMECE, San Diego, CA, Nov 15-21. (poster)

Prince, J, Crockett, J. 2013. Pressure drop measurements in turbulent channel flow over superhydrophobic surfaces with riblets. ASME-IMECE, San Diego, CA, Nov 15-21. (poster)

Stoddard, J, Crockett, J. 2013. Laminar jet impingement on a superhydrophobic surface with thin film breakup. ASME-IMECE, San Diego, CA, Nov 15-21. (poster)

Hays, R, Crockett, J. 2013. Thermal transport to sessile droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces with rib and cavity features. ASME-IMECE, San Diego, CA, Nov 15-21. (poster)

Crockett, J., Prince, J., and Maynes, D., Laminar jet impingement and hydraulic jump behavior on a superhydrophobic surface with isotropic slip, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. November, 2012.

Prince, J., Johnson, M., Crockett, J., and Maynes, D., Laminar Jet Impingement and Hydraulic Jump Behavior on a Horizontal Surface with Anisotropic Slip, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. November, 2012.

Hays, R., Crockett, J., and Maynes, D., Characterization of heat transfer from superhydrophobic substrates to water droplets, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. November, 2012.

Perkins, R., Prince,J., Crockett, J., and Maynes, D., Pressure Drop Measurements for Turbulent Channel Flow over Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Superimposed Riblets, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. November, 2012.

Blackhurst, T. D. and Vanderhoff, J. C., Internal wave propagation in an accelerating shear flow, Ocean Sciences, Salt Lake City, UT. February 2012. (poster)

Vanderhoff, J., Effect of time-dependent, spatially varying shear on vertical propagation of internal wave energy, Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Their Effects on General Circulation and Climate, Honolulu, HI. March 2011.

Vanderhoff, J., Internal Wave evolution through the atmosphere and ocean, Geophysical and Astrophysical Internal Waves, Les Houches, France. February 2011. Invited talk.

Vanderhoff, J., Investigation of internal wave amplitude estimates through phase-space ray tracing, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010.

Eberly, L. E., and Vanderhoff, J., “Boundary-Layer Effects on Internal Wave Generation in a Stably Stratified Fluid,” American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010.

Hillyard, B., and Vanderhoff, J. , Investigation of Internal Wave Spectra due to Observed Interactions, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010. (poster)

Latorre, L., and Vanderhoff, J., Estimated Overturning of Internal Waves due to Time-Dependent Shear in the Ocean, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. November, 2010. (poster)

Vanderhoff, J. and J. W. Rottman. Energy exchange of small-scale internal waves with inertial waves: A case study. Waves Phenomena IV, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. June, 2010.

Blackhurst, T. D., and J. Vanderhoff, Numerical investigation of internal wave-vortex interactions. Waves Phenomena IV, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. June, 2010.

O. M. Sun, R. Pinkel, J. Vanderhoff. Observational, Theoretical, and Modeling Studies of Large-Amplitude Internal Waves. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon. February, 2010. (poster)

Vanderhoff, J., Propagation of internal wavs through time-dependent shear profiles in the ocean and atmosphere. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota. November, 2009.

Vanderhoff, J., Small-scale internal wave propagation through time-dependent shear in the Ocean. Pattullo Conference, Charleston, South Carolina. May, 2008.

Vanderhoff, J., Rottman, J., Nomura, K. Numerical and observational investigation of small-scale wave interactions with time-dependent shears in the ocean. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. November, 2007.

Vanderhoff, J., Rottman, J., Nomura, K. Scattering of small-scale internal waves by near-inertial wavepackets in the ocean. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Tampa Bay, Florida. November, 2006.

Vanderhoff, J., Rottman, J., Nomura, K. Doppler spreading of internal gravity waves in the ocean. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. November, 2005.

Nomura, K.K., Tsutsui, H., Mahoney, D., Crockett, J., Rottman, J.W. Evolution of a counter-rotating vortex Pair in a stably stratified fluid. Third International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Sendai, Japan. 2003.

Nomura, K., Mahoney, D., Tsutsui, H., Crockett, J., Rottman, J. Effects of stable stratification on the short wave instability in a vortex pair. APS Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Dallas, Texas. 2002.

Me EN 321 - Thermodynamics:
Fall 2010, Winter 2013, and Spring 2013-14

Me EN 312 – Fluid Mechanics:
Fall 2012, 15-17,19, Winter 2008-10, 12, 14-19, and Summer 2009-12, 15-19

Me EN 512 - Intermediate Fluid Dynamics:
Fall 2008, 11-19

Me EN 612 - Advanced (Environmental) Fluid Dynamics:
Fall 2009, Winter 2011, 15

Honors and Awards

  • Nominee Utah Engineering Educator of the Year, Society of Women Engineers (2018 - 2018)

Professional Citizenship

  • Media Interview, BYU Media (2014 - 2014)

Courses Taught


Matthew Searle R Daniel Maynes Julie Crockett Cristian Clavijo Julie Crockett R Daniel Maynes Cristian Clavijo R Daniel Maynes Julie Crockett Allison Lee Julie Crockett


Allison Lee Julie Crockett
Preston Emerson Julie Crockett R Daniel Maynes
Jonathan Burnett Julie Crockett R Daniel Maynes
Adam Cowley R Daniel Maynes Julie Crockett Brian D Iverson
Kimberly A Stevens R Daniel Maynes Julie Crockett Brian D Iverson