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Brad Adams

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

360I EB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Office Hours

Winter 2025
Monday: 3pm - 4pm
Tuesday: 10am - 11am
Wednesday: 3pm - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 11am
Friday: 3pm - 4pm

Graduate Students


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, 1993
  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University, 1985
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University, 1984


  • Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (2015 - present)
  • President, Reaction Engineering International, Salt Lake City, Utah (2000 - 2015)
  • Vice President, Engineering Analysis, Reaction Engineering Intl., Salt Lake City, Utah (1998-2000)
  • Manager, Applied Technologies, Reaction Engineering Intl., Salt Lake City, Utah (1997-1998)
  • Senior Engineer, Reaction Engineering International, Salt Lake City, Utah (1992-1997)
  • Consultant, Reaction Engineering International, Salt Lake City, Utah (1991)
  • Consultant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (1990)
  • Staff Member, Optical Systems Engineering, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA (1987-1989)
  • Engineer, Corporate Mechanical Engineering, GenRad, Concord, Massachusetts (1984-1986)

Ph.D. Students

Todd A. Williams (Graduate 2020)

Ty R. Hosler (2022 - present)

M.S. Students

Eric Monson (2022 – present)

Corey Smithson (2021 – present)

Donald E. Peterson (2019 – present)

Cole H. Thatcher (Graduated 2021)

Zach D. Lawless (Graduated 2021)

Ty R. Hosler (Graduated 2021)

Taylor L. Schroedter (Graduated 2018)

Journal Articles

Vaughn, A., Leete, K., Gee, K., Adams, B., Downing, J. (2020) “Evidence for nonlinear reflections in shock-containing noise near high-performance military aircraft,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (submitted)

Thatcher, C., Adams, B. (2020) “Impact of Surface Reflection on Microbial Inactivation in a UV LED Treatment Duct,” Chemical Engineering Science (in review)

Gunnarsson, A., Andersson, K., Adams, B., Fredriksson, C. (2020) “Discrete-Ordinates Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in a Pilot-Scale Rotary Kiln,” Energies, 13, 2192; doi:10.3390/en13092192

Schroedter, T., Adams, B., Tuia, J., Fry, A. (2020) “Modeling Pressurized Dense Phase Coal Fluidization and Transport,” J. Energy Resour. Technol., 142(7): 072304,

Williams, T., Adams, B., (2020) “A Dimensionally Adaptive Technique for Computationally Efficient Cylindrical Discrete Ordinates Radiation Calculations,” J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 243,

Gunnarsson, A., Andersson, K., Adams, B., Fredriksson, C. (2020) “Full-Scale 3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material,” Intl. J. Heat Mass Trans. 147,

Williams, T., Adams, B., (2019) “Dimensionally adaptive techniques for computationally efficient discrete transfer radiation calculations,” J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 233, 67–75,

Adams, B., Hosler, T. (2019) “Pressure and particle property impacts on radiation in oxy-coal combustion,” Fuel 239, 667–676,

Tree, D., Tobiasson, J., Egbert, S., Adams, B. (2019) “Measurement of Radiative Gas and Particle Emissions in Biomass Flames,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 37 (4), 4337-4344,

Tobiasson, J., Egbert, S., Adams, B., Tree, D. (2018) “An Optical Method for the Measurement of Combustion Gas Temperature in Particle Laden Flows,” Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 98, 704-711.

Adams, B., Tobiasson, J., Egbert, S, Tree, D. (2018) “Determining Total Radiative Intensity in Combustion Gases Using an Optical Measurement,” Energy Fuels 32 (2), 2414–2420.

Smith, J., Adams, B., Jackson, R., Suo-Anttila, A. (2017) “Use of RANS and LES Turbulence Models in CFD Predictions for Industrial Gas-fired Combustion Applications,” Industrial Combustion,  Journal of the International Flame Research Foundation, Article 201607, ISSN 2075-3071.

Conference Papers

Williams, T., Adams, B. (2019) “Improvement of Computational Efficiency for Discrete Ordinate Radiation Calculations Through the Use of Dimensionally Adaptive Mesh Techniques,” Paper #915-0088, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute - 2019 Fall Technical Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.

Adams, B., Schroedter, T. (2019) “Modeling Pressurized Dense Phase Coal Fluidization and Transport,” POWER2019-1874, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Power Conference, POWER2019, July 16-18, Snowbird, Utah. (peer reviewed)

Gunnarson, A., Andersson, K., Adams, B. (2019) “Heat Transfer Modelling of Industrial Rotary Kilns for Iron Ore Pelletizing,” Paper #159, The 44th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Adams, B., Schroedter, T., Tuia, J., Fry, A. (2019) “Modeling and Bench-scale Testing of a High Pressure Dry Coal Feed System for Oxy-combustion,” Paper #139, The 44th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Williams, T., Adams, B. (2019) “Discrete Transfer Radiation Calculations with a Dimensionally Adaptive Mesh,” Paper #77, The 44th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Williams, T., Adams, B. (2019) “Improvement of Computational Efficiency for Discrete Transfer Radiation Calculations Through the Use of Dimensionally Adaptive Mesh Techniques,” 11th US National Combustion Meeting, March 24-27, Pasadena, CA.

Gunnarsson, A., Andersson, K., Adams, B. (2018) “Full Scale 3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material,” Paper #50, The 43rd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Hosler, T., Adams, B. (2018) “Particle Property Impacts on Radiation in a Pressurized Oxy-Coal Combustor,” Paper #49, The 43rd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Schroedter, T., Adams, B. (2018) “Modeling Transport of Pressurized Dense Phase Coal,” Paper #48, The 43rd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Gunnarsson, A., Andersson K., Adams, B. (2018) “3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material,” Eurotherm 110, Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media VI, Cascais, Portugal. (peer reviewed)

Adams, B. (2017) “Mitigation of Airborne Pollutants in Coal Combustion, Use of Simulation,” Fossil Fuels, Encyclopedia of Sustainability Sci. Technol., 2nd Ed., Springer, ISBN 978-1-4939-2775-3, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2493-6_959-1. (invited)

Smith, J., Adams, B., Jackson, R., Suo-Anttila, A. (2017) “RANS vs LES CFD for Gas-fired Combustion Equipment Analysis,” AFRC 2017 Industrial Combustion Symposium, Houston, TX.

Hosler, T., Adams, B. (2017) “Impact of Particle Properties on Radiative Heat Flux in an Oxy-Coal Reactor,” Paper # 29OT-0033, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute - 2017 Fall Technical Meeting, Laramie, WY.

Schroedter, T., Adams, B. (2017) “Modeling a Pressurized Coal Feed System,” Paper # 29OT-0031, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute - 2017 Fall Technical Meeting, Laramie, WY.

Williams, T., Adams, B. (2017) “A Fast-Running Simulation Tool for Axisymmetric Oxy-Coal,” Paper # 29CC-0032, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute - 2017 Fall Technical Meeting, Laramie, WY.

Adams, B., Fry, A., Tree, D. (2017) “Technology Development for a Pressurized Dry Feed Oxy-Coal Reactor – Program Overview,” The 42nd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Adams, B., Sperry, R. (2017) “Impact of Computational Mesh on CFD Combustion Predictions,” Paper 40b, 2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety, AIChE, ISBN: 978-0-8169-1098-4.

Journal Articles
Adams, B., Hosler, T. (2019) “Pressure and particle property impacts on radiation in oxy-coal combustion,” Fuel 239, 667–676.

Tree, D., Tobiasson, J., Egbert, S., Adams, B. (2019) “Measurement of Radiative Gas and Particle Emissions in Biomass Flames,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 37 (4), 4337-4344.

Tobiasson, J., Egbert, S., Adams, B., Tree, D. (2018) “An Optical Method for the Measurement of Combustion Gas Temperature in Particle Laden Flows,” Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 98, 704-711.

Adams, B., Tobiasson, J., Egbert, S, Tree, D. (2018) “Determining Total Radiative Intensity in Combustion Gases Using an Optical Measurement,” Energy Fuels 32 (2), 2414–2420.

Smith, J., Adams, B., Jackson, R., Suo-Anttila, A. (2017) “Use of RANS and LES Turbulence Models in CFD Predictions for Industrial Gas-fired Combustion Applications,” Industrial Combustion, Journal of the International Flame Research Foundation, Article 201607, ISSN 2075-3071.

Conference Proceedings
Gunnarsson, A., Andersson, K., Adams, B. (2018) “Full Scale 3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material,” Paper #50, The 43rd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Hosler, T., Adams, B. (2018) “Particle Property Impacts on Radiation in a Pressurized Oxy-Coal Combustor,” Paper #49, The 43rd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Schroedter, T., Adams, B. (2018) “Modeling Transport of Pressurized Dense Phase Coal,” Paper #48, The 43rd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Gunnarsson, A., Andersson K., Adams, B. (2018) “3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material,” Eurotherm 110, Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media VI, Cascais, Portugal. (peer reviewed)

Adams, B. (2017) “Mitigation of Airborne Pollutants in Coal Combustion, Use of Simulation,” Fossil Fuels, Encyclopedia of Sustainability Sci. Technol., 2nd Ed., Springer, ISBN 978-1-4939-2775-3, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2493-6_959-1. (invited)

Smith, J., Adams, B., Jackson, R., Suo-Anttila, A. (2017) “RANS vs LES CFD for Gas-fired Combustion Equipment Analysis,” AFRC 2017 Industrial Combustion Symposium, Houston, TX.

Hosler, T., Adams, B. (2017) “Impact of Particle Properties on Radiative Heat Flux in an Oxy-Coal Reactor,” Paper # 29OT-0033, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute - 2017 Fall Technical Meeting, Laramie, WY.

Schroedter, T., Adams, B. (2017) “Modeling a Pressurized Coal Feed System,” Paper # 29OT-0031, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute - 2017 Fall Technical Meeting, Laramie, WY.

Williams, T., Adams, B. (2017) “A Fast-Running Simulation Tool for Axisymmetric Oxy-Coal,” Paper # 29CC-0032, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute - 2017 Fall Technical Meeting, Laramie, WY.

Adams, B., Fry, A., Tree, D. (2017) “Technology Development for a Pressurized Dry Feed Oxy-Coal Reactor – Program Overview,” The 42nd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy (Clearwater Clean Energy Conference), Clearwater, Florida.

Adams, B., Sperry, R. (2017) “Impact of Computational Mesh on CFD Combustion Predictions,” 2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety, AIChE, ISBN: 978-0-8169-1098-4, Paper 40b.

ME 231 – Leadership in a Global Context

ME 291 – Job Finding

ME 340 – Heat Transfer

ME 393 – Professional Skills

ME 495R – Job Finding (8-week seminar)

ME 510 – Compressible Flow

ME 522 – Combustion

Combustion Simulations, Radiative Heat Transfer, Air Quality, Microbial Inactivation with UV LEDs

Air Quality Research


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering , Radiative Heat Transfer, University of Utah (1993)
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering , Convective Heat Transfer, Brigham Young University (1985)
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering , Brigham Young University (1984)

Courses Taught


Scott Gardner Cody Carpenter Jacob Tuia Aaron Skousen Dustin Badger Sandra Thomas Bradley R Adams Dale Reif Tree Andrew R Fry Ty Hosler Bradley R Adams Corey Smithson Natalie White Hans Klomp Eric Monson Bradley R Adams Cole Thatcher Bradley R Adams Cole Thatcher Bradley R Adams Bradley R Adams Andrew R Fry Dale Reif Tree Aaron Vaughn Kevin Leete Kent L Gee Bradley R Adams Cole Thatcher Bradley R Adams Aaron Vaughn Kevin M Leete Kent L Gee Bradley R Adams J Micah Downing Cole Thatcher Bradley R Adams Zachary Lawless Ariel Cable Cameron Van Dyke Bradley R Adams Aaron Vaughn Kevin Leete Kent L Gee Bradley R Adams Micah Downing Taylor Schroedter Bradley R Adams Jacob Tuia Andrew R Fry Adrian Gunnarsson Klas Andersson Bradley R Adams Christian Fredriksson Todd Williams Bradley R Adams Adrian Gunnarsson Klas Andersson Bradley R Adams Christian Fredriksson Dale Reif Tree John Tobiasson Scott Egbert Bradley R Adams Todd Williams Bradley R Adams Todd Williams Bradley R Adams Bradley R Adams Taylor Schroedter Jacob Tuia Andrew R Fry Todd Williams Bradley R Adams Ty Hosler Bradley R Adams John R. Tobiasson Egbert C. Scott Bradley R Adams Dale Reif Tree Dale Reif Tree John R. Tobiasson Scott C Egbert Bradley R Adams Ty Hosler Bradley R. Adams Bradley R Adams John R Tobiasson Dale Reif Tree Scott C Egbert Adrian Gunnarsson Klas Andersson Bradley R. Adams Bradley R. Adams John R. Tobiasson Scott C Egbert Dale R. Tree Joseph D. Smith Bradley R. Adams Robert E. Jackson Ahti Suo-Anttila John R. Tobiasson Scott C Egbert Bradley R. Adams Dale R. Tree Andrew R Fry Bradley R Adams Kevin Davis Dave Swensen Shawn Munson William Cox Andrew R Fry Bradley R Adams Allen Paschedag Paul Kazalski Casey Carney Danny Oryshchyn Rigel Woodside Steve Gerdemann Tom Ochs


Hans Klomp Corey Smithson Bradley R Adams
Natalie White Corey Smithson Bradley R Adams
Corey Smithson Bradley R Adams
Bradley R Adams Ty Hosler
Ty Hosler Bradley R Adams
Ty Hosler Bradley R Adams
Corey Smithson Hans Klomp Natalie White Bradley R Adams
Corey Smithson Natalie White Hans Klomp Bradley R Adams
Bradley R Adams Micah Marcy Zachary Lawless Gregory T Carling
Ariel Cable Zachary Lawless Bradley R Adams
Corey Smithson Eric Monson Joseph Cannon Ariel Cable Bradley R Adams
Ty Hosler Bradley R Adams
Ariel Green Zachary Lawless Bradley R Adams
Trevor Talbot Cole Thatcher Bradley R Adams
Joseph Cannon Bradley R Adams
Bradley R Adams Zachary Lawless
Ariel Green Bradley R Adams
Ariel Green Zachary Lawless Bradley R Adams
Zachary Lawless Bradley R Adams
Nicole Burchfield Andrew R Fry Bradley R Adams
Todd Williams Bradley R Adams
Bradley R Adams
Andrew R Fry Dale Reif Tree Bradley R Adams
Zachary Lawless Bradley R Adams
Todd Williams Bradley R Adams
Bradley R Adams Andrew R Fry Dale Reif Tree
Todd Williams Bradley R Adams
Adrian Gunnarsson Klas Andersson Bradley R Adams
Bradley R Adams Taylor Schroedter Jacob Tuia Andrew R Fry
Bradley R Adams
Bradley R. Adams Andrew R. Fry Dale R. Tree
Lara Houghton Nicole Beatty Bradley R Adams Andrew R Fry Adrian Gunnarsson Klas Andersson
Bradley R. Adams Andrew R. Fry Dale R. Tree
Bradley R. Adams John Tobiasson Scott Egbert Dale R. Tree
Bradley R. Adams
Bradley R. Adams Ty Hosler Andrew R. Fry
Lara Houghton Bradley R Adams Andrew R Fry Adrian Gunnarsson Klas Andersson
Ariel Green Bradley R. Adams
Bradley R Adams
Bradley R Adams Mark Schoenfield